We need a CHANGE alright! But the RIGHT change!
Liberals need to give ground and agree to drill in ANWR, offshore and allow converting shale to oil. Conservatives should agree to an aggressive, government Manhattan Project II to GET the US OFF OIL, if not completely, then close to it.
The need to Drill Here, Drill Now is understood by a vast majority of the citizenry despite the multiple excuses of the Democrat Party which has been planning this oil debacle since and before Bill Clinton vetoed drilling in ANWR. By the way look at the pictures of the ANWR area to be drilled in. IT IS NOT the Grand Canyon, it’s a moonscape. We need to allow drilling in the US, stop demonizing the oil companies, and stop refusing to allow new refineries with endless mazes of regulations.
We need a program to get off oil. But in the meantime we need to keep the current fleet of cars and trucks and all the other stuff running. The next time you are on a freeway, try to estimate the value of all the vehicles you can see. Pretty high huh? All these things represent the second most expensive thing most people own and they are not going away overnight.
So we need to drill here, drill now to stop the torrential flow of cash out every day to pay for the twenty million barrels a day we go through.
Liberals need to get on the bandwagon. We must have more US oil production.
Most people would agree to the notion of getting off oil. It pollutes and provides Fanatic Islam funds to carry on their war against us. Oh yes, for you Global Warming religionists, it would save the planet. Cows expend more CO2 than cars but that’s for another day.
To accomplish this miracle, Conservative need to agree to a massive government program Manhattan Project II whose goals would be to reduce the number of gas driven vehicles to a minimum in ten years by:
Setting up a significant tax on gas only new cars based on their MPG ratings. This tax would escalate at first allowing the car companies to convert to new models.
Provide a tax break for Hybrid cars again based on their MPG rating.
Provide government payments toward the purchase of plug-in electric cars. These plug-in electric cars would be recharged at night, drawing their energy from the power grid. It is estimated that three quarters of the cars now on the road could be replaced using this method without the need to build a single additional power plant.
The extra tax brought in to the government would help finance the tax breaks and payouts for this fleet conversion. The amounts would be adjusted each year to try for a balance. Thus as time goes on and fewer gas guzzlers are sold, the tax to buy another one would rise. The more electrics purchased, the less the payout, etc.
We need atomic power plants to beef up the electrical grid.
A key requirement for all this to work is to require each electric power company to provide meters which allow off peak power pricing as they have in southern California and Arizona now. Also, the ability of have electrical outlets installed where cars are parked must the federally required.
These steps are somewhat Draconian. They could represent a compromise between the Liberals and Conservatives. The problem of oil in the hands of those who hate us is overwhelming and the effect on our economy in very damaging requiring a strong response.
Drill HERE! Drill NOW! Plug-IN!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Drill Here! Drill Now! Plug-In!
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