Congrats to the citizens of the USA.
An electoral majority of the citizens of the USA have made a bold, grandly historic decision to elect as their president, the first, yea the only Anti-American President, Barack Hussein Obama alias Barry Soltan. This Noble Prize winning leader of the free world has journeyed near and far, spreading the word, that all the world’s ills were caused by America, at least the America before his coronation. He bows to world thugs, and is working on kneeling to show his abject apology for the US, the source of all evil. His regime reads terrorist bombers their Miranda rights while prosecuting the Navy Seals fighting these same killers. His deft diplomacy insults and dishes our allies while he calls for understanding for the little Hitler in Iran. His Attorney General can’t even bring himself to say the words ‘Islamic Jihadist’. Understandable since his former law firm has these killers as clients.
His enemies list is primarily various Americans he doesn’t like. Fox News, Rush, white guys and everyone in Arizona, except the Mexican citizens living there, of course.
Barry is the son of two communists, raised by his communist grandparents, mentored by a radical black activist in Hawaii, sought out communist radical teachers when in school, attended the radical hate church of Reverend Wrong and started his political career in the living room of Bill Ayers, a home grown American terrorist. Great job America. Now you know what the name he picked means: ONE BAD ASS MISTAKE AMERICA!