Friday, July 09, 2010

Az Repugent needs help

Dear Arizona Republic:

It’s obvious that your “reporters and editors” just don’t have time to cover what’s happening someplace other than your crusade for open borders in the interest of the Mexican citizens currently living here illegally. In order to help, here are a few things you are not given one smidgen of print to:

Eric Holder’s Racist Justice Department does not allow prosecution of the Black Panthers. I guess we don’t go after any black guys, man, just those whities in Arizona. Then there is the drilling ban for the benefit of ole George Soros, whose Brazilian company can now pick up the gulf rigs to drill off Brazil’s cost, three times as deep, with the two billion from the US government so they can send the oil on to China. And might want to mention the new recess appointment to head Medicare who is the leading proponent of a national health service, you know like great one in England where 20 year olds die for lack of water in hospital and death panels are the norm. Oh, and he thinks the redistribution of wealth in this type of scheme is just peachy. Stop the pretense of being a newspaper and admit you are just a propaganda sheet for the illegal alien crowd.

Just trying to help.

Richard McDaniel


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Congrats to the Open Border Crowd!

Gongrats to you people in the open borders crowd. Obama’s racist “Justice” Department in suing Arizona. (Yeah, they’re not racist when the won’t prosecute the Black Panthers.) We are now officially added to BO’s enemy’s list right after Fox News, Louisiana, Israel, England and now us. Great, and what’s their argument? Arizona arresting Mexican citizens who chose to live here illegally, would “interfere” with their enforcement of the federal law. OK, let’s see. Bank robbery is a federal crime also, so, what? Arizona police can no longer arrest bank robbers. That would also “interfere”. Give me a break. When will the damnable Obama-Nation be over!