Sunday, December 18, 2005

Iraq, Vietnam it's not

Why Iraq is not Vietnam:

Coward Dean, leading anti-American American spokesman for the Al-Queda and the head of leading fifth column, the Dummycrats, declared surrender, “We can’t win in Iraq, it’s just like Vietnam.” (Note: The party formerly known as the Democrat Party has admirably chosen to realize the hypocrisy of being against the propagation of democracy in the world so they have chosen to change the party’s name.) Well, the situation may look to defeatists like Vietnam all over again, and while the Dummycrats are staking their future on America’s defeat and their mindless fascination with making it Vietnam, it’s not.
In Iraq we are fighting, along with the ever strengthening Iraq forces, an enemy composed of a portion of the minority Suni population, the Saddamist and Islamic fascists led by al Zaquari. This combined coalition cannot hold a city or town and is not safe anywhere in Iraq. The leader of these foreigners in Iraq is a leader in Al-Queda. This is the group that took down the World Trade Center on 9/11. The leaders of the communists in Vietnam never attacked New York City.
In Vietnam, two great communist powers in the world supported and backed the North Vietnamese. In Iraq, support comes, less openly, from Iran and Syria. These are two evil regimes for sure, but not the same as Russia and China. Not the same as the Vietnam War.
In Iraq, a democracy is building, step by step in a very rapid way, providing an alternative to the fascists plan for Iraq that Al-Queda foresees. That incidentally, is a vision greater than just holding Iraq, but rather making it the capital for increased military power to first unify all Muslim countries under a single control then taking over the entire world. This is a little broader the Vietnamese communists plan was which was to control their own country. Not a good outcome but not a threat to the whole world either.
Often the critics say our efforts in Afghanistan were ok but Iraq was a mistake. Fighting there has made the Islamic fascists angry. That’s like saying American forces approaching the Rhine River made the Germans angry and led to the Battle of the Bulge. Iraq is just the current battlefield with these crazies who want to take the world back the twelfth century and battle the Crusaders again. The struggle is not about Iraq any more than World War II was about Guadalcanal.
Forgotten, is the struggle in the Philippines to bring democracy to that former Spanish colony. A rebel insurgency was put down and today the country is, for better or worse, a democracy. This struggle in Iraq is more similar to that than Vietnam.
Unlike Vietnam, the struggle to bring democracy to Iraq is one we cannot afford to lose. Establishing a Islamo fascist regime in Iraq would create a base for the killers which would out do the one in Afghanistan allowed by the Taliban. Even though they won, the Vietcong never planned an attack on Western civilization as do the Islamo Fascists.
Finally the key difference is that now, even though there is still the same cabal of treachery in the US Senate calling for cut and run, the US will never do that as long as President George Hebert Walker Bush is President.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

New name for the fifth column

Historic news: The fifth column group headed by the diminutive bug out boy from Vermont has decided on a name change. Having placed their trust and backing in the roadside bombers and assassins of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the group is changing its name. How very appropriate. The formerly kook led party once known as the Democrat Party will now be the Dummycrats. Smart move. Along with and the rest of the anti-American Americans, the party will now officially back isolation as well as not winning since America is the evil thing in the world. Fostering democracy is out. This will be their choice for a foreign policy. Isolation has worked so well, say before WWII or say after we bugged out in Mogadisu. Congrats to the Dummycrats.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The fifth column of anti-American Americans continue in their traitorous efforts to defeat the US efforts to bring democracy to Iraq. Led by the diminutive Howie Dean, the Dummycrats, continue to froth at the mouth, mouthing the big lie that the President lied about the reasons for freeing Iraq from a dictator who is in the league of Hitler and Stalin. They rejoice at the total of deaths of American soldiers while never considering the numbers of enemy killers that have been taken out. They downgrade the brave Iraqis that are taking more and more responsibility for their own country. In short the Dummycrats are investing in an American defeat with their unrelenting implacable hatred of ‘W’. Shame, shame on these despicable dimwits that live in an alternate universe of myth and lies.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Why this mindless search for whoever outed Valerie Plame? {Her husband is known to have done this months before Scooter Liby ever heard of her.} First of all she’s not a covert agent. She works at the CIA clipping newspapers. Give me a break! Second of all, the fact that she is a CIA agent should help support the lies her husband told. Yes, things he says about his CIA mission have been proved lies. He is the one that should be investigated. But the really stupid thing in all this is there is a CIA leak. The left wing rags printed the information about ‘secret’ prisons the CIA has for the great quantity of terrorists it has taken off the streets in foreign countries. Now the Jihadists will know where to attack to set these top line killers loose again to kill more unbelievers. We are like Alice in Wonderland.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Lie of the Century

Now we have the lie of the century. According to the left wing extremist that now control the Democrat Party, George Bush “lied” to us about why we took out the most heinous dictator around, the man who has the undisputed record of killing the most Muslims in history, SaddamHussein. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

And one bright morning, after he had illegally stolen the election, he decided that we should take out Saddam. He alone, was telling us this whopper about these nonexistent weapons.
This, of course, is the lie. This is the lie of the century.

The truth is a little different. Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and he used them. Ask the Kurds, visit the semi ghost town where he gassed them. Recall a little history, even if it does not support the anti-American American’s cherished lie of the century. The Israelis took out Saddam’s nuclear reactor to thwart his weapons program. But, it didn’t stop it. British Intelligence sticks by their assessment that he was attempting to get “yellow cake” a key ingredient for a nuke from Africa. Every intelligence agency in the world agreed on that Iraq had a nuke weapons program.

After the war, we found no weapons, but the labs where work was progressing were found. He either hid them or sent them out of the country at some point before the GI’s arrived. What the hell ever, he doesn’t have them now and he won’t be the one using them on us.

Those far leftist who sit now in the Senate, frothing at the mouth over this week’s “auspicious” event of having lost two thousand soldiers in Iraq as Senator ‘hicup’ Kennedy joyously said. (I thought waving the Al Qaeda flags and sporting the little yellow “Free Saddam” pins was a bit much.)

But, truth of the matter is that the Senate, the two faced liar, Senator Kerry, I wanned be President after trashing America over Vietnam, voted to send in troops, twice, with the same intelligence W had.

To try to rewrite history, that is the lie.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

We need a fence, a fence on the southern border to the United States. We are being invaded, our country and culture undermined. Those that complain that this would be unfriendly to Mexico need to look to the southern border of that country. They have troops on their borders and run what smacks of concentration camps. This government’s opinion of us, a government which aids and abets this invasion is of little concern. The President of Mexico actually began his campaign for reelection in California, which one supposes he realizes it is now one of the Mexican states.
Those defeatists insist that the distance is too great for a fence forget the truth. There is a fence in Israel, which has worked in reducing terrorism across its border. It does not go the full distance. Neither would a fence on our border, it should be placed in those areas that the Border Patrol knows are the freeways of the criminals coming across. The effect would be to funnel the traffic, leading to better apprehension in the unfenced areas.
There is a fenced portion of the border around San Diego. It works.
The President who is in office, and has allowed terrorists to come over what is now a laughably porous non barrier will literally have hell to pay.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The latest poll in Britain shows that six per cent of their Muslim population supports the terrorist bombings of 7/7. Some twenty four per cent have sympathy and almost half understand the motives of the bombers. About a third would like to end western civilization. In short about 100,000 have no sympathy for the country they are living in.

Here is some unsolicited advice to England. Be proactive and take some steps to reduce this disloyal population.

· Halt immigration from any country where the Wahabi “religion” of hate is practiced.
· Monitor all mosques and make it illegal to preach this brand of hate, Wahabism.
· Any mosque found doing this should have all its property forfeited to the government and the clerics deported.
· Require all Muslim citizens to assimilate into the general population. This could require the end to wearing religious costumes, certainly learning English and taking an oath to support laws and culture of the country.

All this is very un-libertarian, but whether everyone agrees or not, western civilization will continue to be attacked until each country deals with these crazies.

While the Mother Country goes its way, we need to do these things here as well.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

We are being invaded! Go to REFORMUS.ORG to sign their petition!