The latest poll in Britain shows that six per cent of their Muslim population supports the terrorist bombings of 7/7. Some twenty four per cent have sympathy and almost half understand the motives of the bombers. About a third would like to end western civilization. In short about 100,000 have no sympathy for the country they are living in.
Here is some unsolicited advice to England. Be proactive and take some steps to reduce this disloyal population.
· Halt immigration from any country where the Wahabi “religion” of hate is practiced.
· Monitor all mosques and make it illegal to preach this brand of hate, Wahabism.
· Any mosque found doing this should have all its property forfeited to the government and the clerics deported.
· Require all Muslim citizens to assimilate into the general population. This could require the end to wearing religious costumes, certainly learning English and taking an oath to support laws and culture of the country.
All this is very un-libertarian, but whether everyone agrees or not, western civilization will continue to be attacked until each country deals with these crazies.
While the Mother Country goes its way, we need to do these things here as well.