It’s a War, Stupid
We had 9/11, yet too many Americans still don’t get it or choose to ignore the obvious. We are in some kind of time warp, taken back to the time before America officially got into WWII. Then, as now, a lot of people put their heads in the sand and say we should stay out of it. Then it was, the Nazis aren’t so bad, just comical, it isn’t our fight and Mussolini makes the trains run on time. Now with the far left taking over the Democrat Party, the anti-war fervor is even more active than it was just before the date that would live in infamy, December 7, 1941. The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor changed things overnight. Now, we had our Pearl Harbor on the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center but the hate driven Democrats would rather fault the President than join in common cause to the defend not only the country, but Western Civilization.
Now, just as then, we are at war on many fronts, on a worldwide scale. We are at war, in Lebanon with the fighting between Israel and Iran’s version of the Storm Troopers, Hezbollah. We are at war in Afghanistan with the remnants of the Taliban, at war around the globe with the terrorist group Al Qaeda. And yes, Alice, in Iraq with the Shite militias, again agents of Iran, soldiers in the Islama-Nazis’ war with Western civilization.
This is World War III and although different, it has many similarities with WWII. In WWII, the base problem was the absurd racial notions the Nazis conjured up. The Muslim Wahabi Mullahs have distorted their “religious” notions in a similar absurd way to condone killing anyone or even everyone who doesn’t accept their crazy theories. A movement which raises children to be suicide bombers is on it’s face the definition of evil. It’s policy on women is based on the 12th century manners and customs. One direct association with the Nazi movement is of course the Isalma fascist’s hatred of the Jews. They have as a near term goal the annihilation of Israel, just a stepping stone to achieving world domination of the dark night of their version of Islam for the entire globe.
One wonders if the Iranian “President” selected by the unelected Mullahs is trying to even look like Hitler with his mustache and hair hanging down his forehead. He has put together his own version of the Axis Powers including Syria (his Italy), North Korea (his Japan) and he has even brought in Venezuela (his Spain). At first look this is not a very impressive coalition. There is no economic power here (about the gross yearly product of Cleveland except for our oil money Venezuela gets) but what these Islama-fascists lack in technical and economic power they loom big in the area of population, a population they are willing to use as for instance in a nuclear exchange. This is why it would not be rational to allow these crazies to develop nukes. In the old days, MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction, might be expected to work as it did the Russians. Various Iranian mullahs have already announced they will have no restraint in using these weapons as they can take the losses to their population while the West could not.
So in the face of this world situation what does our party out of power choose to do? Push a program of defeat and retreat plus depreciate anything the President and his administration tries to do. Another 9/11 foiled? This was caused by the war in Iraq, as if the Japanese fought to the end because they were angry about Guadalcanal. Catching intercepts of conversations between terrorists? The President is defying the Constitution.
Sometimes, an election is typified by one phrase. This year it may well be, “It’s a War Stupid.”