Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Full Nelson

Another Day in Obama Nation

Nancy Palousy said she would drain the swamp of corruption when she took over to become queen on the house. Wow, she has not only failed to drain the swamp but also cheered on her fellow “progressives” as they dirty the thing with their corruption. And now it is a cesspool. Ben Nelson took the latest dump with his in perpetuity avoidance of any Nebraska Medicare payments. Ok. What about the equal-protection clause of the US Constitution? You know thing all legislators pledge to uphold? All the other states need to demand equal treatment and Congress needs to pay for this yet another unfunded mandate! We need a FULL NELSON! Especially in Arizona where our economy is worse than Michigan’s for heaven’s sake.

Just another day in Obama Nation.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wonderful Copenhagen

Another Day in Obama Nation

Copenhagen! Oh Beautiful Copenhagen! What do they say? A picture is worth a thousand words? Did you see the pictures of the violent Tea Baggers that were in the streets of Copenhagen this week? You know, the ones with their hammer and cycle banners slugging it out with the police. Oh, no, that was the communist thugs out to bring back the good ole days of the Soviet Union. They were just a part of the picture that clearly demonstrates what the Climategate World Summit is about. Not any thing to do with man made global warming, rather about global wealth redistribution. This is the same old thing tried before by these left wing nuts. Redistribute the wealth from the rich countries to the third world. It’s all about who needs stuff. If you did evenly divide the wealth, the money sent to these corrupt little countries would be soaked up by their criminal leaders into boos, babes, guns and Swiss bank accounts. We have already tried this. We have given these countries ‘loans’ and then when they don’t or can’t repay, forgiven the money. Been there, tried that.

The second graphic displayed to the world in living color was the speech that got the big applause at Climategate Summit. It was from the Communist dictator Hugo Chavez. ‘Capitalism is dead! I can still smell the stench of the American President.” Right on Comrade. Oh, you might want to get back to Venezuela and see if you can get bread on the shelves for you worker bees.

But our guy, BO was there to save the day. He says with a straight face, “The science is decided. Global warming is man made!” Liar! I am reminded of the stock trader commercial on TV where the talking baby says about his golfing partner welching on a bet, “Check out the facts ( he says rules), shankapotamus.” The earth is cooling, not warming! Check out the Climategate Emails if you don’t know about it.

Isn’t it perfect irony that BO had to head back to DC early because a record snow storm was on the way. All part of global cooling, twit.

In this holiday season let us pray to be delivered from these fools in Washington.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Day in Obaba Nation

Another Day in Obama Nation

###&*%$ (Expletive Deleted)! Another day, there’s another lame brain, stupid, “progressive” idea. Let’s have the younger citizens be forced to buy health insurance! This will expand the base of those paying for other people’s health care and it will just be great! How to do that? Simple, we’ll just fine (tax) these younger people $750 for not having insurance. Great! Have you ever employed younger people? They are of the “I never get sick, not even a cold” variety. They are young and indestructible. They’re Supermen in our midst. So when they look at the problem of paying say at current insurance rate say $6,000 per year for health insurance(which will go up with their Obabmacare) or pay a $750 tax. Hmmm? What if they actually get sick? Something expensive say. No problem, the same stupid #### health bill says the insurance companies cannot fail to cover pre existing conditions. So, voila’. No worries. If you do get sick, you can buy insurance then. “Ya know man, I need my bucks. Got an eye on the new Xbox and we have a nice vacation scheduled plus I really need new wheels. I’ll just pay the tax.” Ya think?

Just another day in Obama Nation!

Friday, July 17, 2009

What does OBAMA really mean?

Now we have a comic Senator courtsey of ACORN,
a Supreme Court 'justice' courtsey of the Latina version of the Klu Klux Clan
and Socialized Medicine a la Canada.

Is this really the 'CHANGE' you voted for?

So what does OBAMA really mean?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So let’s celebrate! The new regime in town believes in openness and telling it like it is!

And I especially like their new party name …’Sosh Hips’!

Short for Socialist Hypocrites of course! But we can still call them ‘Dims’.

They’ll always be ‘dimwits’ to us.

Remember, we now know what Obama means:


Hang on till there can be regime change. Congress in 2010, White House in 2012.