Another Day in Obama Nation
###&*%$ (Expletive Deleted)! Another day, there’s another lame brain, stupid, “progressive” idea. Let’s have the younger citizens be forced to buy health insurance! This will expand the base of those paying for other people’s health care and it will just be great! How to do that? Simple, we’ll just fine (tax) these younger people $750 for not having insurance. Great! Have you ever employed younger people? They are of the “I never get sick, not even a cold” variety. They are young and indestructible. They’re Supermen in our midst. So when they look at the problem of paying say at current insurance rate say $6,000 per year for health insurance(which will go up with their Obabmacare) or pay a $750 tax. Hmmm? What if they actually get sick? Something expensive say. No problem, the same stupid #### health bill says the insurance companies cannot fail to cover pre existing conditions. So, voila’. No worries. If you do get sick, you can buy insurance then. “Ya know man, I need my bucks. Got an eye on the new Xbox and we have a nice vacation scheduled plus I really need new wheels. I’ll just pay the tax.” Ya think?
Just another day in Obama Nation!