Sunday, November 14, 2004

A Friendly Proposal to the Democrat Party Faithful

We need a vibrant and healthy Democratic Party. There is a great danger that those who now control the party will put yet another spin on the truth. Their message was not misunderstood and falsely restated by the Republicans. What there was of it beyond WE HATE BUSH was bested in the arena of ideas, politics. All things change in time except truth. It’s time for the leaders of the party to steer to the center again. You do not have to become Republicans, just keep it perfectly clear you are not with the crazies

A case in point, is the vulgar fat delusional propagandist Michael Moore. He became the defacto face of the party. Decent, reasonable Democrats should loudly distance themselves from him. If the New York Times et al were worth ten to fifteen s in the election, Moore was worth twenty to thirty to the Bushies.

There was a better time when politics stopped at the shoreline of America. Democrats need to listen to those among them that do not believe America is evil, and that all answers come from the UN and that appeasement is the answer to being attacked. Plus, a record of not bashing the military would be helpful. JFK and FDR took America’s side against a misguided world.

There are issues which the Democrats can work on. Bring big Parma to heel. Drug prices are a disgrace. They are what the market will bear here, which is ok, except the power of the Federal Government should be used to level the playing field. As long as we are into disallowing free speech as with the wildly successful Campaign Finance law, advertising drugs on TV should be eliminated. Drugs should be tested, not against nothing, but against the current best drug for the problem.

The party should be the party of change for the better. One thing that must change is Social Security. Digging heels into the sand and saying nothing must change is being a deer in the headlights.

Democrats should champion keeping a woman free to choose abortion or pregnancy prevention but be reasonable about partial birth abortion.

Democrat of today, could as did the party in the past, stand for States Rights, particularly in regard for what might be called moral issues. If Massachusetts wants gay marriage, or Oregon wants the right to die, or Nevada OK’s prostitution, then so be it. Let the people in the state, not a judge trying to make law, decide it.

Above all, Democrats need to come up with practical, if not generally currently accepted solutions to problems. Desist from demonizing the opposition. Yes, Republicans too.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

Things that should be done

In no particular order, here are some things which are not always popular but should be done.

• Pass an Amendment to the Constitution, that gives the President a line item veto of any spending measure. Who in the world could be against this? The really big government people I guess.
• Start a two pronged attack on our dependence on foreign oil. Allow drilling on the moonscape in northern Alaska, and begin a wartime shift from oil to hydrogen. See
• Pass a Guest Worker program which does not reward illegal aliens.
• Get an exit strategy. Not for Iraq or Afghanistan, we have plans there but for Germany, Japan, Korea, the Balkans and any other place we have no national interest in being there.
• Follow through with a plan to get men to Mars.
• Use the buying power of Medicare Care to get competitive bids on prescription prices.
* Use Shot Spot for professional tennis matches
Thoughts on Immigration Policy Changes

Recently President Bush’s concept to set up a Guest Worker Program has come under intense fire from his own supporters. The concept in greeted as just another amnesty for illegal immigrants although the plan does not automatically grant citizenship to guest workers. The cry is that criminal trespassers are being given a reward which will just lead to an increased avalanche of Mexicans paddling across the border. But we do need the workers and we do need to control the flow of non-citizens in and out of this country. How about this? Have the plan only for new people from Mexico or other countries, signing up as the plan envisions, being vetted with cooperation of the Mexican government to disallow criminals and the like. The current many millions of illegals would have to return to Mexico before being allowed to enter the program. They would be given a period to return to Mexico. If they are caught after this deadline they would be forever disallowed from being in the Guest Worker Program. To make any of this work a there needs to be a Federal Law that all law enforcement officers in the United States must turn over any and all illegals to the Homeland Security Department and to have deportation swift and sure.