Thursday, August 02, 2007

Despicable Defeatocrats Hurl a Final Insult at Pat Tillman

Despicable Defeatocrats Hurl a Final Insult at Pat Tillman

The Treason Lobby leaves no stone un-tossed at even a dead American hero, Pat Tillman. Yesterday, I watched the nitwit Defeatocrat congressman, Henry Waxman try to find some perverted pleasure and political gain by beating to death the fact that Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire and that some in the Army, grievously pained by this awful event, chose not to publicize the sorrow and tragedy of this awful event. But these despicable Defeatocrats smell blood. They will do anything to further their goal of having American defeated in this war with the Islama-Nazis. They care nothing about their country, striving to make Pat’s death not about his incredible sacrifice for his country, but rather some but trivial gain in their “Bush lied, troops died” campaign. They are so heavily invested in seeing America defeated that they will do, say anything to help achieve their goal. May the American people see these ghouls for who they are and turn these anti-American scum out of the offices which they disgrace.