Monday, September 10, 2007

Jail the Traitors!

Can we at least agree on the Constitution? It says:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Today the Treason Loby is not “levying War” against the US but it most certainly and undeniably “giving them Aid and Comfort” to the enemies of the US. Who is the Treason Loby? Move On dot org certainly is a leader what with their ad calling Gen Petraeus “General Betrayer”. Certainly the biased main stream media, which gleefully reports our loses in the war with the Islama-Nazis but not how many of the enemy is killed. It’s the NY Times that gives away one of the few tools we have to combat the next 9/11, telling Al Quida not to use the phones as they are tapped when they are calling their agents who are amongst us now. It’s the George Soros Congress who insists on setting a date for our surrender.

What’s the answer? Realize there is such a thing as treason and JAIL THE TRAITORS!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Despicable Defeatocrats Hurl a Final Insult at Pat Tillman

Despicable Defeatocrats Hurl a Final Insult at Pat Tillman

The Treason Lobby leaves no stone un-tossed at even a dead American hero, Pat Tillman. Yesterday, I watched the nitwit Defeatocrat congressman, Henry Waxman try to find some perverted pleasure and political gain by beating to death the fact that Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire and that some in the Army, grievously pained by this awful event, chose not to publicize the sorrow and tragedy of this awful event. But these despicable Defeatocrats smell blood. They will do anything to further their goal of having American defeated in this war with the Islama-Nazis. They care nothing about their country, striving to make Pat’s death not about his incredible sacrifice for his country, but rather some but trivial gain in their “Bush lied, troops died” campaign. They are so heavily invested in seeing America defeated that they will do, say anything to help achieve their goal. May the American people see these ghouls for who they are and turn these anti-American scum out of the offices which they disgrace.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Movie: Flag of Our Mothers

Hey, have you heard?

Nancy Palousy has a new anti-war movie.

Flags of Our Mothers!

It features a great big white flag. No it’s not for surrender, it’s to show unity with the Taliban…(they use the white flag to show their purity, they’ll lop anyone’s head off)

Watch out Al Bore. Now there’s real competition for the Oscar.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A note

A Note from Bin Laden
Please welcome Jihad Jane
Salaam aleikum dear brothers. I have the pleasure to announce that noted anti-American American Jane Fonda has now taken up our cause. As you may know she narrowly escaped the firing squad for her timely support of the Viet Cong. Now she is marching in the Great Satan’s capitol, praising our cause, praise be to
Allah, Mohammed blessings and peace be upon him.
It is hoped she can visit our front bases in Iraq. If she does, just imagine what interest her being held hostage would bring. Perhaps millions of American dollars could be brought to our cause by the “Progressives” and their rich Anti-war supporters. Perhaps, her beheading on Algazera TV would garner great ratings and so help our cause.
This is just great news. Welcome Jihad Jane to our world Islama-Nazi movement. Our death cult will ultimately rule the world!
Again, praise Allah, Mohammed blessings and peace be upon him.